The Journey of Becoming
The Journey of Becoming *
My Story
I’ve always had a deep desire to help others, which guided me into the world of Human Resources and Learning & Development. My goal was simple—create workspaces where people feel valued, connected, and part of something bigger. I worked with individuals across all levels, from line staff to CEOs, helping build strong company cultures, enhance employee engagement, and foster talent retention.
But despite having a successful career in HR, an extensive network, and a busy lifestyle, something was missing. I felt disconnected, like I was living the life others expected of me, not the one I truly wanted. This feeling only grew stronger over time, and eventually, my body gave me a wake-up call. Health issues, stress, and burnout forced me to confront the truth—I was burning out, and my current path was unsustainable.
That was the moment everything shifted. I realized that taking pills to mask the symptoms wouldn’t solve the underlying issues. I sought out alternative therapies, including family constellations, NLP, Eye Movement Therapy, bioenergetic healing, and kinesiology. Through this slow and sometimes painful process, I gained clarity. I realized that I had been living a life shaped by the expectations of my family and society, not my own desires.
Then came a breakthrough. During a coaching session, I asked myself: What would my life look like if I had nothing? The answer was simple yet profound—freedom. In that moment, I knew exactly what I had been seeking all along. It didn’t take long before I resigned from my “dream job,” left behind my city apartment, fast car, and everything I thought I wanted. I bought a one-way ticket to Australia, packed a 30kg suitcase, and within three months, I was living in Sydney.
In Australia, I embraced new opportunities. I worked in marketing, PR, sales, project management and accounting, gaining a broad perspective on business operations. I even explored remote work, balancing roles in sales and marketing by day in Australia and project management by night in the Czech Republic. While exploring these diverse fields, I also continued focusing on my personal development. I kept learning, always with the goal of helping others find their true potential, unlock their best selves, and live lives they truly want.
Today, I use everything I’ve learned—through my career, personal journey, and various healing practices—to create transformative spaces for people. Whether it’s on a personal or professional level, I help others work through their challenges, uncover their potential, and make lasting change. I guide businesses through cultural transformations, helping them turn what’s not working into something that truly flows.
After everything I’ve been through, it all makes sense. This is what I’m meant to do. I’m here to help people create the life they want, the life they deserve—just as I’m doing now for myself.